About us

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Our core is purely strived at formulating a culture of quality Cricket.  We cheer you to experience unparalleled cricketing empowered through high-performance Cricket training and programs. 

The academy enables every one of our players to become the promising version of themselves on and off the field. We empowers our players with proportional opportunities and platform to comprehend themselves as a player & nurture their skills in the right advice. 

We are proud to be Runners Up for U-16 Emirates Cricket Board National League 2022-2023.

Our Team of Expertise

Companionship Through Competition

A good coach can change the game but it’s a great coach who can change the life. 

Our team of qualified coaches are keen to build your game skills at every level and develop your game sense along with the  etiquette of the game Each of our trainers refuse you to be anything but the best you can 

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T R A I N E R & F I T N E S S C O A C H

Misab V.P. is an M.Phil. certified professional who is specialized in Cricket. A well known,experienced and dedicated fitness trainer. He hails from Kerala, India. Misab is passionate and extremely knowledgeable in all facets of the game. A Coach who aspires to see his trainees develop. Former Fitness Trainer for Kerala Women's Team.